Saturday, July 30, 2011

Unexpected gifts

As RSVPs trickle in, I'm struck by how many folks are reaching out with kind words, promises of prayer. I know I am enormously blessed by the people in my life, but every now and then a reminder is needed. This benefit has brought it all into focus.

Somewhere between apprehension and stress, there is motivation.

Assembling baskets o' goodies for the silent auction, making jewelry, even writing for the blog - it's been a bit of a creative outlet for me. Like many endeavors, what you get back in energy is surprisingly more than you put in.

Join us.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Positively spinning

A week from tomorrow, to anticipate every eventuality and pull off a minor miracle. Naw, a tiny miracle. It's just money, right? Eeek.

While I'm putting out requests to the universe, the Newells Passat crapped out for good. So a really reliable 4 door wagon would be great, okay? Thanks.

The list for the silent auction items is nearly complete and pretty darned exciting. Some items to tantalize you: massage, handmade baskets, pottery, kids yoga party for 15 (gulp!), family photo sessions, jewelry workshops for kids and adults, purses, wearable art, etc.

I'm finding logistics daunting at this point, but am hoping for some clarity and strategizing will make up the difference. Thanks again to those willing to volunteer at the event.

Trying to put a positive spin on things, I'm looking forward to seeing so many folks. With all the kid activities, this will be a giant playdate of sorts, without the housecleaning beforehand. And a full bar. (Posting & hosting pick-up playdates with w(h)ine was sort of my neighborhood specialty, truth be told.)

And none of this would be possible without generous in-kind donations from The Eagles Club, Fat Lorenzo's, and musical acts Store Bought Hair, Hit Hard Crew, and Third Rail.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

T minus 10 days and counting

Many folks have said they won't be in town for Will's benefit on August 6th, but would love to help in some way. Please consider a direct donation to Janell Newell - Strong Willed Benefit, Wells Fargo Bank, 2600 East Franklin Ave, Mpls MN 55406.

We're wrapping up soliciting for donations for the silent auction. We need to make sure we have a catalog of items ready to go. To thank our generous donors, we'll post a list along with the catalog. We'll be doing a FaceBook auction, as well as at the event. There will be door prizes, activities, games, raffles and many ways to participate for young and old alike.

We're still accepting donations for the Wall of Wine. I'll be home Thurs and Fri if you'd like to drop off a few bottles. I even promise not to drink them. We're also looking for a couple of wine display racks or crates. Need me to pick up items? E-mail me at

We realize these are tough economic times, so if you can't contribute financially, please consider giving generously of your time and talent by volunteering at the event. E-mail Dianne or Becki at

We've got great energy and lots of fun planned, not to mention a great cause and way to celebrate community. Looking forward to seeing you and yours!

(Watch this space. Dianne will be profiling our musical acts - Store Bought Hair, Third Rail, and the Hit Hard Crew.)

Get the word out!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Technically challenged, do not try this at home

They say that trying to learn new skills during a crisis is a lot like building a house during a tornado.

Damn ubiquitous "they". And I owe my daughter yet another quarter for swearing. Now that Xav can read, he's going to want in on the action.

Each time I feel like whining over yet another technical snafu - say, attempting to attach an event invitation to a mass e-mail - I get a giant slap upside the head from the Goddess of Perspective. It says something like "Really? In the grand scheme of things? Really?" How is it that the Newells are facing each and every challenge and still able to function? Just thinking of facing such an illness in my kids feels like a hoof to the chest; I can barely breathe.

So the minor fits of self-doubt over fundraising don't even make a blip. Or so I keep telling myself. And if you haven't checked the CaringBridge site for Will lately, be sure to do so. Very cute puppy pictures, and Will looking pretty darn good for being less than a week post-surgery. Amazing.

The preschool cooperative experience really cemented our family's relationship with the Newells. We did the lunch/play date thing weekly, and Janel was kind enough to take over my position when we "graduated." My fundraising experience, such as it is, was part of the co-op. And it wasn't always pretty.

There was a desperate moment of planning where we actually considered the anti-fundraiser fundraiser. Which is where you and the family don't do planning, prep, or set up - instead contributing the commensurate amount of $$$ that you would have spent, plus babysitter, and enjoy the evening at home. It's opting out, and is sometimes appealing. Sending a check is technically enough, right?

Other than hoping to raise some funds to relieve a bit of stress, I'm hoping this event brings together the many people touched by Will and his family. So we can generate some positive, healing, fabulous energy and remind us that although the worst of times can bring out the best in people, you at least need to make a showing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Have you heard?

I rarely send out mass e-mails. I'm the one who breaks the chain letters, refers to Snopes, fails to forward. But tonite, I sent out a plea to at least a third of my address book. And yes, I even know all of them personally.

I've been enormously blessed by the people I've had in my life. Whether it's church, preschool, neighborhood, work - I know I'm in an amazing interconnected web, but am continually surprised by its strength. The one tiny consolation when facing unbelievable hardship is that people do gather and kindnesses prevail.

Fundraising isn't my passion, and I hate asking people for things. But I've been hitting the bricks, especially in the Longfellow neighborhood where Will and his family live. It's given me the opportunity to check in with folks I may have neglected, even if I come with hat in hand and palm extended.

At this point I'm worried I will forget someone off our long long list of sponsors, individuals and businesses who have donated items, services, cash. I will do a comprehensive list, post it here and at the fundraiser. We're grateful for the outpouring. And hopeful for lots of people to attend the actual event and show some support, both emotional and financial.

Yes, it's a busy weekend. But food, friends, adult beverages and a child-friendly atmosphere will be much-needed respite after hours of eye candy at the Art Fairs.

FYI - the Wall o' Wine will be a raffle for all the bottles of wine we collect. And no, it won't be Two Buck Chuck by the case. I believe we've hit up every liquor store this side of Wisconsin. And we're still accepting donations. No, we're not all about drinking. (Just because in my house we call it "Mommy Juice"....) But as a veteran of a few too many raucous fundraisers, I can tell you that bidding goes up in direct proportion to BAC. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Starting up/Staying up

I realize, now, why there are meetings that are" strategic planning sessions" and event planners whom I suppose actually plan events generally in the distant future.

But we have to bloom where we're planted... And just in case we need perspective:

Will had his maxillectomy today, his 4th surgery. It went well in terms of low blood loss, they were able to save his two front teeth (but, being 6, he doesn't have them visible as yet), and Will was able to eat and drink small amounts. A big step, pretty major recovery, then more chemo. And the attempt to reschedule the trip to Boston for proton beam radiation. Unbelievable amounts of stress, worry, wait, worry more - rinse and repeat.

I am blessed to know the Newells pretty well. Will is well-named and if anyone can beat this, it will be him. He is feisty. Mike and Janel are doing all they can in making tough choices, educating themselves, using every resource, having heartwrenching talks with Will - while working full-time and trying to keep things as normal as possible for Thomas (my godson) and John.

So other than offer to clean house, bring meals, cry, fold cranes - what is the correct response when a family is going thru hell? Well, we formed a committee. Dianne O'Donnell is a neighbor to the Newells and has musical connections and lots of enthusiasm. Becki Keenan Campbell has a child in Will's class at Seward Montessori and a passion for finding donations and volunteers. Myself (Karen Barnes) - I'm trying to catch up with Becki and Dianne, who are far more together. We're hoping for a family-friendly event that is fun for the kids and not too stressful for the parents. Most of all, though, I would consider this a success if it was an outpouring of support for this family. And while emotional support and hot dishes have there place, let's put the FUND back in fundraising.

Basics: Saturday, August 6th, 3 to 7, Mpls Eagles. Spaghetti dinner and dessert buffet - $5 each/ $25 for the family. Raffles, games, chair massage, face painting (still hoping to arrange a moon bounce... perhaps a visit from the PedalPub)

At this point we are THRILLED to have the space donated by the Eagles and the food from Fat Lorenzo's. I am personally strong-arming the best bakers I know to load up the dessert buffet. The Silent Auction donations are just about set, and we are trying to run an eBay one as well.
It looks like we're in good shape. Until I look at the calendar, and begin to panic, because it's the Uptown Art Fair for everyone who is left after the great exodus to the lake places... and it's coming up fast.

Well folks, we need you. And your checkbooks.

Ways to contribute:
Invite friends. And friends of friends. And coworkers.
Consider posting some flyers, maybe talk up the event at National Nite Out.
Donate bottles of wine for our Wall of Wine raffle.
Attend! Have fun! Bid on our wide array of silent auction items. Get in on the raffle.
Consider volunteering your time/talents/nerves of steel for the actual event.

More details to follow...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

You are invited to a fundraiser for Will Newell on Saturday, August 6th 3:00pm - 7:00pm  at the Minneapolis Eagle, 2507 E. 25th Street, Minneapolis, MN.

This blog has been set up to keep people updated about the fundraiser and to help increase visibility and interest in all of the amazing food, music and auction items that will be available!

We are looking for volunteers at the event, so please use the contact link to let us know if you can help out.

Here is a sneak peek at some of the fabulous silent auction items that will be available that evening:

One Week Stay at Pine Lake
Juut Esthetician Services
Angry Catfish Bicyclery and Coffee: Free bike tune up
Ete Handbags Handbag
Eastern Shore Natural Health: 1 hour Shiatsu Massage
60 minute Massages by Rebecca Smith
Handmade Quilt by Leslie MacKenzie
Rhythm Guitar lessons by Conrad deFiebre
Salsa Basket from Maggie Petit
38th St. Flowers Gift Certificate
Movement Arts Center Gift Card
Articulture Gift Card
Dessa autograghed CD and Book
French Tutor Lesson
Ballareteatro Gift Card
Stagecoach Theatre Class
Amy Wurdock Photography Gift Certificate