Thursday, August 4, 2011

Go time

When the going gets tough, the tough get going... on ShrinkyDinks.

Of all the zillion last-minute tasks that are actually on the to do list, instead, I find myself needing to do logo design and prototype ShrinkyDink earrings. And spend way too much time huffing Sharpies and breathing toxic fumes from the toaster. That can't be helping my attention span. Ah, well.... distraction is a marvelous thing.

But at 3pm this very Saturday, to heck with the minutiae, it is GO time! The bands will be playing, the kids will be happily occupied, and maybe you can catch up with old friends. Dinner is at 5pm and will be lovely pasta from Fat Lorenzo's. I have personally strongarmed the best bakers I know to put on a dessert buffet that will wow you. Plan on nearly $8000 worth of donated silent auction items to tempt you. Door prizes, games for kids, LOTS going on.

The big draw? The guest of honor - I honestly can't wait to see Will! My kids are officially clamoring... and they're not alone. I wonder how you handle that much attention when you're a cool 6 1/2 year old. Then again, it will probably be less daunting than the average day as of late. This Wednesday? Surgery at 3, home by 6.

Amazing - I don't even know a tiny bit how that feels.... For some reason, I keep thinking of when Lily was about 2 1/2 and we took her to Children's Hospital to get her adenoids out and ear tubes in. They gave her the anesthesia while I was holding her, then took her from my arms. I was nearly hysterical, so unbelievably scared. I knew it was an incredibly minor procedure but that was my baby girl who went slack. Rational thought be damned. Of course she was back to her old self in minutes - I was the one who needed to spend a day in bed to recuperate. We were supposed to "keep her quiet" and minimize activity. We had to hide her tricycle.

Will's journey is completely beyond imagining, and he is so incredibly resilient. I want his family to be able to focus on him. So it may be a distraction from the big picture, but this fundraiser is one thing we can do - to ease a little stress, wish him well, support the amazing Newell family.

It's a big deal. Don't let the ShrinkyDinks fool you.

See you on Saturday.

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